Modern Marvels: Weird Machines

Here’s a link to the full episode of Modern Marvels which features Omega Recoil and a lot of our friends: Modern Marvels: Weird Machines. At 28:50 you’ll see Jon Sarriugarte and our electrical performances start at 32:50.

(Sometimes the link is active, sometimes it is down because the episode will be airing soon.)

East Bay Mini Maker Faire: Success

The Omega Recoil team had a lot of fun showing off our experimental coil, Jacob’s Ladders, and allowing for more audience participation than with our 9 foot Tesla coil. The audience in the yurt could even hear us when the coil wasn’t actively firing.

"Radio Fryer" Tesla Coil at the East Bay Mini Maker Faire, 2011
Here’s one shot of the audience in the yurt learning that experiments often fail. In this experiment we learned that the “Radio Fryer” Tesla Coil does not get hot enough to ignite sparklers.

We also had a chance to play with various fabrics with mylar treatments, florescent tubes, and we handed out squares of mylar sheeting, wire and reflective ribbons to allow the audience to experiment and create something to put atop the coil.

East Bay Mini Maker Faire

Omega Recoil is taking some of our toys out to the East Bay Mini Maker Faire Sunday, October 16th 2011 at the Park Day School campus + Studio One Art Center in the Temescal district of Oakland.

Independently-organized but inspired by Maker Faire (and MAKE magazine, and, East Bay Mini Maker Faire is a full-blown community fair that brings together science, art, craft, homesteading and engineering plus music, food, workshops, and performance. This family-friendly event showcases the amazing work of all kinds of makers across the East Bay and beyond—anyone who is embracing the DIY or DIT (do-it-together!) spirit.

This year, East Bay MIni Maker Faire is featuring the work of over 130 local makers; for the complete list check our Makers and the Schedule pages. For more information, news, and updates, check

We even have a discount code if you’re ordering tickets at eventbrite just give them the ALL CAPS first word of our name for a 15% discount.

See you in the yurt!